Restructure And Repay Debt With Manageable Payments Using Chapter 13 Bankruptcy
While many people find debt relief through Chapter 7 bankruptcy, Chapter 13 bankruptcy is a more beneficial option to overcome insurmountable debt for some individuals who do not meet the income qualifications for Chapter 7. Also known as reorganization bankruptcy, Chapter 13 allows individuals to reorganize their debt into a more manageable repayment plan that typically lasts between three to five years.
That means individuals are given the chance to get current on mortgage payments, pay lower rates on vehicles and catch up on bills because they have been restructured in the Chapter 13 bankruptcy plan. When you contact the law office of L. Wayne Gilleland, Attorney at Law, Mr. Gilleland can help you understand how to keep your home, your car and other valuable property by filing for Chapter 13 bankruptcy.
The Numerous Benefits Of Filing For Chapter 13 Bankruptcy Protection
The thought of losing your home, your car or your other valuable possessions is understandably very stressful, which is one reason why you should consult an experienced attorney. Mr. Gilleland is prepared to help you understand how filing for Chapter 13 bankruptcy can help you. Potential benefits include:
- Stopping creditor harassment
- Stopping foreclosure
- Stopping repossession
- Stopping garnishments
- Stopping liens
- Stopping levies
- Stopping creditor lawsuits
Since 1973, founding lawyer Wayne Gilleland has skillfully guided individuals in Middle Georgia through the Chapter 13 bankruptcy process. During a free and confidential consultation, you will learn whether or not Chapter 13 bankruptcy is the best debt relief option for you.
Talk To An Experienced Attorney For Free
L. Wayne Gilleland, Attorney at Law, is based in Macon and serves clients throughout Middle Georgia. If you are considering filing for Chapter 13 and need reliable legal help and guidance, contact the firm to schedule a free initial consultation. You can reach out online or call 478-742-3000. Law office hours are Monday through Friday from 9:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. and evenings by special appointment.
L. Wayne Gilleland, Attorney at Law, is a debt relief agency. The firm helps people file for bankruptcy relief under the Bankruptcy Code.